Lutz Lesshafft
Research Director at the CNRS
Adjunct Professor at École Polytechnique

Publications | |
Resolvent-based modelling of coherent wavepackets in a turbulent jet | |
L. Lesshafft, O. Semeraro, V. Jaunet, A.V.G. Cavalieri & P. Jordan | |
Physical Review Fluids 4:063901, 2019 | |
Wavepacket models for jet dynamics and sound radiation | |
A.V.G. Cavalieri, P. Jordan & L. Lesshafft | |
Applied Mechanics Review 71(2):020802, 2019 | |
Data assimilation and resolvent analysis of turbulent flow behind a wall-proximity rib | |
C. He, Y. Liu, L. Gan & L. Lesshafft | |
Physics of Fluids 31:025118, 2019 | |
Vortex pairing in jets as a global Floquet instability: modal and transient dynamics | |
L. Shaabani Ardali, D. Sipp & L. Lesshafft | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 862:951-989, 2019 | |
The influence of shear on double-diffusive and settling-driven instabilities | |
N. Konopliv, L. Lesshafft & E. Meiburg | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849:902-926, 2018 | |
Artificial eigenmodes in truncated flow domains | |
L. Lesshafft | |
Theor. and Comput. Fluid Dynamics 32:245-262, 2018 | |
Global stability of buoyant jets and plumes | |
R.V.K. Chakravarthy, L. Lesshafft & P. Huerre | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 835:654-673, 2018 | |
Time-delayed feedback technique for suppressing instabilities in time-periodic flow | |
L. Shaabani Ardali, D. Sipp & L. Lesshafft | |
Physical Review Fluids 2:113904, 2017 | |
Global instability of low-density jets | |
W. Coenen, L. Lesshafft, X. Garnaud & A. Sevilla | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 820:187-207, 2017 | |
Modeling of coherent structures in a turbulent jet as global linear instability wavepackets: theory and experiment | |
O. Semeraro, L. Lesshafft, V. Jaunet & P. Jordan | |
Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 62A:24-32, 2016 | |
Conditions for validity of mean flow stability analysis | |
S. Beneddine, D. Sipp, A. Arnault, J. Dandois & L. Lesshafft | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 798:485-504, 2016 | |
Local linear stability of laminar axisymmetric plumes | |
R.V.K. Chakravarthy, L. Lesshafft & P. Huerre | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 780:344-369, 2015 | |
Linear global stability of a confined plume | |
L. Lesshafft | |
Theor. and Applied Mechanics Letters 5(3):126-128, 2015 | |
Modal and transient dynamics of jet flows | |
X. Garnaud, L. Lesshafft, P. Schmid & P. Huerre | |
Physics of Fluids 25, article no. 044103, 2013 | |
The preferred mode of incompressible jets: linear frequency response analysis | |
X. Garnaud, L. Lesshafft, P. Schmid & P. Huerre | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 716:189-202, 2013 | |
A relaxation method for large eigenvalue problems, with an application to flow stability analysis | |
X. Garnaud, L. Lesshafft, P. Schmid & J.-M. Chomaz | |
Journal of Computational Physics 231(10):3912–3927, 2012 | |
Deep-water sediment wave formation: linear stability analysis of coupled flow/bed interaction | |
L. Lesshafft, B. Hall, E. Meiburg & B. Kneller | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 680:435-458, 2011 | |
Towards inverse modeling of turbidity currents: the inverse lock-exchange problem | |
L. Lesshafft, E. Meiburg & B. Kneller | |
Computers & Geosciences 37:521–529, 2011 | |
Optimal velocity and density profiles for the onset of absolute instability in jets | |
L. Lesshafft & O. Marquet | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 662:398-408, 2010 | |
Aerodynamic sound generation by global modes in hot jets | |
L. Lesshafft, P. Huerre & P. Sagaut | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 647:473-489, 2010 | |
Convective/absolute instability in miscible core–annular flow. Part 2. Numerical simulations and nonlinear global modes | |
B. Selvam, L. Talon, L. Lesshafft & E. Meiburg | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 618:323-348, 2009 | |
Frequency selection in globally unstable round jets | |
L. Lesshafft, P. Huerre & P. Sagaut | |
Physics of Fluids 19, article no. 054108, 2007 | |
Linear impulse response in hot round jets | |
L. Lesshafft & P. Huerre | |
Physics of Fluids 19, article no. 024102, 2007 | |
Nonlinear global modes in hot jets | |
L. Lesshafft, P. Huerre, P. Sagaut & M. Terracol | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 554:393-409, 2006 | |
(50th anniversary volume) | |
Other | |
Instability dynamics in jets and plumes | |
L. Lesshafft | |
Habilitation, Université Paris-Sud, 2018 | |
slim version without articles / fat version with articles | |
Foreword to a thematic issue on Jet Noise Modelling and Control | |
L. Lesshafft, P. Jordan & A. Agarwal | |
Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 346:887, 2018 | |
Identifying the active flow regions that drive linear and nonlinear instabilities | |
O. Marquet & L. Lesshafft | |
Unpublished, arXiv:1508.07620, 2015 | |
Preface to a Festschrift for Patrick Huerre | |
L. Lesshafft | |
European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids 49:299-300, 2015 | |
Le génome du bananier épluché | |
L. Lesshafft, L'Express.fr, 13/07/2012 | |
Nonlinear global modes and sound generation in hot jets | |
L. Lesshafft | |
Ph.D. thesis, École polytechnique, 2006 | |
my thesis in 100 seconds (credits: EADS Foundation) | |
Conference papers | |
under construction |