Art et Science

Mist Collector

Jean-marc Chomaz - Camille Duprat - Ana Rewakowicz

Mist Collector project is a collaborative Art and Science project that addresses the issue of diminishing sources of fresh water in the world, especially in parts where there is scarce access to groundwater and rain, and looks at alternative methods of obtaining water from fog. Traditionally fishing nets have been used to collect the mist droplets; however these nets have limitations, such as clogging and problems of drainage. Our up-to-date research has identified a new and innovative solution to this problem, which involves the use of parallel threads. Based on our findings we have created several artworks.

Through the looking mist… is a video projection where, through a change of spatio-temporal scale, visitors are able to see drops slowly appearing, growing and then falling. A fast camera captures moments of drop nucleation and dynamics, creating a moving poem of water awe.

SEA 2014, Dubai, UAE - Photo credits: Ana Rewakowicz
Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, 2016 - Photo credits: Ana Rewakowicz
2 minutes extract from Through the looking mist

Misty Way is a video installation that creates a metaphor of water capturing on a textile net made from parallel fibers, designed especially for this piece. The tissue shape and texture come from our research. Misty Way diverts these results to literally immerse the visitor, at the scale of a drop, inside a virtual mist of widely spattered drops of light, shadows and sound.

Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, 2016 - Photo credits: Ana Rewakowicz - Sound: Daniel Schorno.
Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, 2016 - Photo credits: Ana Rewakowicz - Sound: Daniel Schorno.
Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, 2016 - Photo credits: Ana Rewakowicz - Sound: Daniel Schorno.
Video of the installation. Edit: Ana Rewakowicz, Sound: Daniel Schorno.

Currently, we are in the process of developing a large scale installation where we use the model of laboratory experiments to construct a human sized environmental wind tunnel where several fog harvesting structures will be placed.

Les Récollets, Paris (October 2015) - Photo credit: Ana Rewakowicz
Les Récollets, Paris (October 2015) - Photo credit: Ana Rewakowicz
Les Récollets, Paris (October 2015) - Photo credit: Ana Rewakowicz