LadHyX - Refereed Publications - 1997

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1. P. Brancher and J. M. Chomaz. Absolute and convective instabilities in spatially periodic shear flows. Physical Review Letters, 78:658-661. Pre-print.

2. C. H. K. Williamson and J. M. Chomaz. The exploding vortex pair (Gallery of fluid motion,). Physics of Fluids, 9:S4-x. Pre-print.

3. C. Cossu and J. M. Chomaz. Global measures of local convective instabilities. Physical Review Letters, 78:4387-4390. Pre-print.

4. A. Couairon and J. M. Chomaz. Absolute and convective instabilities, front velocities and global modes in nonlinear systems. Physica D, 108:236-276. Pre-print.

5. A. Couairon and J. M. Chomaz. Pattern selection in the presence of a cross flow. Physical Review Letters, 79:2666-2669. Pre-print.

6. , and P. Manneville. Conditional mean field for chaotic coupled map lattices. Europhysics Letters, 39:377-382. Pre-print.

7. P. Manneville, P. Marcq and . Universality in Ising-like phase transitions of lattices of coupled chaotic maps. Physical Review E, 55:2606-2627. Pre-print.

8. P. Manneville and O. Dauchot. Local versus global concepts in hydrodynamic stability theory. Journal de Physique II (France), 7:371-389. Pre-print.

9. O. Pouliquen and . Entropy of particle packings: an illustration on a toy model. Physica A, 236:395-410.

10. O. Pouliquen, J. Delour and S. B. Savage. Fingering in granular chute flows. Nature, 386:816-817. Pre-print.

11. O. Pouliquen, M. Nicolas and P. Weidman. Crystallisation of non-brownian spheres under horizontal shaking. Physical Review Letters, 79:3640-3643. Pre-print.

12. A. Sellier. Hadamard's finite part concept in dimension n. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 122:131-148. Pre-print.

13. A. Sellier. Asymptotic behavior of a class of singular Fourier integrals. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 121:359-384. Pre-print.

14. A. Sellier. A general and formal slender-body theory in non-lifting case. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 453:1733-1751. Pre-print.

15. A. Sellier. Particule allongée en écoulement de Stokes: une résolution asymptotique par équation intégrale de frontières. , 325:323-330. Pre-print.

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