LadHyX - Refereed Publications - 1992

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1. J. M. Chomaz. Absolute and convective instability in non linear systems. Physical Review Letters, 69:1931-1934. Pre-print.

2. J. M. Chomaz, P. Bonneton, A. Butet, M. Perrier and E. Hopfinger. Froude number effect of the flow separation line on a sphere towed in a stratified fluid. Physics of Fluids A, 4(2):254-258. Pre-print.

3. J. M. Chomaz and P. Bonneton. Instabilités du sillage généré par une sphère. , 314:1001-1006. Pre-print.

4. O. Pouliquen, J. M. Chomaz, P. Huerre and P. Tabeling. Wave-number selection and phase solitons in spatially forced temporal mixing layers. Physical Review Letters, 68:2596-2599. Pre-print.
