LadHyX - Refereed Publications - 2016

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1. F. Alouges, M. Aussal, A. Lefebvre-Lepot, F. Pigeonneau and A. Sellier. Application of the Sparse Cardinal Sine Decomposition to 3D Stokes Flows. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 0:1-8. Pre-print.

2. G. Amselem, C. Guermonprez, , and C. Baroud. Universal microfluidic platform for bioassays in anchored droplets. Lab on Chip, 16:4200-4211. Pre-print.

3. E. Antoine, and A. Barakat. The stentable in vitro artery: an instrumented platform for endovascular device development and optimization. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13, Issue 125, 20160834. Pre-print.

4. G. Antoine, E. de Langre and . Optimal energy harvesting from Vortex-Induced Vibrations of cables. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 472 - 20160583. Pre-print.

5. C. Arratia, S. Ortiz and J. M. Chomaz. Inviscid Transient Growth on Horizontal Shear Layers with Strong Vertical Stratification. Nonlinear Dynamics: Materials, Theory and Experiments, 173:199-206. Pre-print.

6. R. Basu, BM. Whitlock, J. Husson, A. Le Floc'h, W. Jin, F. Dotiwala, G. Giannone, C. Hivroz, J. Lieberman, L. C. Kam and M. Huse. Cytotoxic T cells use mechanical force to potentiate target cell killing. Cell, 165:100-110. Pre-print.

7. S. Beneddine, D. Sipp, N. Arnault, J. Dandois and L. Lesshafft. Conditions for validity of mean flow stability analysis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 798:485-504. Pre-print.

8. M. Benzaquen, J. Donier and J. P. Bouchaud. Unravelling the trading invariance hypothesis. Market Microstructure and Liquidity, 2 (3&4) - 1650009. Pre-print.

9. M. Blanchard, P. J. Schmid, D. Sipp and T. Schuller. Pressure wave generation from perturbed premixed flames. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 797:231-246. Pre-print.

10. C. Cohen and C. Clanet. Physics of ball sports. Europhysicsnews, 47/3:13-16. Pre-print.

11. B. Darbois-Texier, C. Cohen, D. Quere and C. Clanet. Physics of knuckleballs. New journal of Physics, 18 - 073027. Pre-print.

12. N. Dovetta, P. J. Schmid and D. Sipp. Uncertainty propagation in model extraction by system identification and its implication for control design. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 791:214-236. Pre-print.

13. P. Drobinski, B. Alonzo, S. Bastin, N. Da Silva and C. Muller. Scaling of precipitation extremes with temperature in the French Mediterranean region: What explains the hook shape?. Journal of Geophysical Reasearch-Atmospheres, 121 - issue 7:3100-3119. Pre-print.

14. C. Duprat and H. A. Stone. Elastocapillarity. Fluids Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds Number Flow, 4:193-243.

15. F. Feuillebois, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, E. Wajnryb, A. Sellier and J. Blawzdziewicz. High-frequency effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of particles in Poiseuille flow between parallel walls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 800:111-139. Pre-print.

16. C. Frot, N. Taccoen and C. Baroud. Frugal droplet microfluidics using consumer OPto-Electronics. Plos One, 11, Issue 8, e0161490. Pre-print.

17. , J. Bird, C. Clanet and D. Quere. Aerodynamic Leidenfrost effect. Physical Review Fluids, 1, Issue 8, 084002. Pre-print.

18. N. Ghalia, F. Feuillebois and A. Sellier. A sphere in a second degree polynomial creeping flow parallel to a plane, impermeable and slipping wall. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 69 - n°4:353-390. Pre-print.

19. D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, P-H. and E. de Langre. Turgidity-dependent petiole flexibility enables efficient water use by a tree subjected to water stress. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 398:20-31. Pre-print.

20. D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Guillou, , J. Lafaurie-Janvore, A. Babataheri, E. de Langre, A. Barakat and J. Husson. Mechanical criterion for the rupture of a cell membrane under compression. Biophysical Journal, 111, Issue 12:2711-2721. Pre-print.

21. , Y. Hwang and A. Barakat. Model of cellular mechanotransduction via actin stress fibers. Biomechanics and Modeling In Mechanobiology, 15:331-344. Pre-print.

22. M. Guemas, A. Sellier and F. Pigeonneau. Low-Reynolds number rising of a bubble near a free surface at vanishing Bond number. Physics of Fluids, 28 - issue 6 - 063102. Pre-print.

23. L. Guillou, A. Babataheri, P. H. Puech, A. Barakat and J. Husson. Dynamic monitoring of cell mechanical properties using profile microindentation. Scientific Reports, 6 - 21529. Pre-print.

24. L. Guillou, J. B. Dhal, J-M. G. Lin, A. Barakat, J. Husson, S. J. Muller and S. Kumar. Measuring cell viscoelastic mechanical properties using a microfluidic extensional flow device. Biophysical Journal, 111 - Issue 9:2039-2050. Pre-print.

25. L. Guillou, A. Babataheri, M. Saitakis, A. Bohineust, S. Dogniaux, C. Hivroz, A. Barakat and J. Husson. T lymphocyte passive deformation is controlled by unfolding of membrane surface reservoirs. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27 (22):3574-3582. Pre-print.

26. J. Lafaurie-Janvore, E. Antoine, S. J. Perkins, A. Babataheri and A. Barakat. A simple microfluidic device to study cell-scale endothelial mechanotransduction. Biomedical Microdevices, 18:1-12. Pre-print.

27. A. Lafont and J. Mensah-Gourmel. Bioresorbable coronary scaff olds should disappear faster. Lancet, 387 - issue 10025:1275-1276. Pre-print.

28. A. Lafont and Y. Yangy. Magnesium stent scaffolds: DREAMS become reality. Lancet, 387- Issue 10013:3-4. Pre-print.

29. E. Lauga and . Stresslets induced by active swimmers. Physical Review Letters, 117 - 148001. Pre-print.

30. E. Lecarpentier, M. Bhatt, G. I. Bertin, B. Deloison, L. J. Salomon, R. Lai Kuen, P. Deloron, T. Fournier, A. Barakat and V. Tsatsaris. Determination of the wall shear stress exerted by the maternal circulation on the syncytiotrophoblast in human placenta. Plos One, 11 e0147262.

31. E. Lecarpentier, A. Atallah, J. Guibourdenche, M. Schuster, S. Vieillefosse, A. Chissey, B. Haddad, D. Evain-Brion, G. Pidoux, A. Barakat, T. Fournier and V. Tsatsaris. Fluid shear stress promotes PlGF upregulation in human syncytiotrophoblast through the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway. Hypertension, 68, Issue 6:1438-1446. Pre-print.

32. E. Lecarpentier, M. Bhatt, G. I. Bertin, B. Deloison, L. J. Salomon, P. Deloron, T. Fournier, A. Barakat and V. Tsatsaris. Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations of Maternal Circulation: Wall Shear Stress in the Human Placenta and Its Biological Implications. Plos One, 11, Issue 1, 0147262. Pre-print.

33. T. Leclercq and E. de Langre. Drag reduction by elastic reconfiguration of non-uniform beams in non-uniform flows. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 60:114-129. Pre-print.

34. M. Lisicki, and E. Lauga. Phoretic flow induced by asymmetric confinement. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 799:R-5. Pre-print.

35. H. de Maleprade, C. Clanet and D. Quere. Spreading of Bubbles after Contacting the Lower Side of an Aerophilic Slide Immersed in Water. Physical Review Letters, 117-issue 9-094501. Pre-print.

36. P. Manneville. Turbulent patterns made simple?. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 796:1-4. Pre-print.

37. P. Manneville. Transition to turbulence in wall-bounded flows: Where do we stand?. Bulletin of JSME, Mechanical Engineering Reviews, 3 n°2. Pre-print.

38. P. McHugh, A. Barakat and S. McGinty. Medical stents: state of the art and future directions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44:274-275. Pre-print.

39. , and . Synchronized flutter of two slender flags. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 801:652-669. Pre-print.

40. A. Nasto, M. Regli, P.-T. Brun, , C. Clanet and A. E. Hosoi. Air entrainment in hairy surfaces. Physical Review Fluids, 1 - 033905. Pre-print.

41. , and . Synchronized switch harvesting applied to piezoelectric flags. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 - 085004. Pre-print.

42. J. Rolland. Formation of spanwise vorticity in oblique turbulent bands of transitional plane Couette flow, part 2. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 56:13-27. Pre-print.

43. A. Sellier and S.H. Aydin. Fundamental free-space solutions of a steady axisymetric MHD viscous flow. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 25, Issue 1-2 special issue:4200-4211. Pre-print.

44. O. Semeraro, L. Lesshafft, V. Jaunet and P. Jordan. Modeling of coherent structures in a turbulent jet as global linear instability wavepackets: Theory and experiment. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 62:24-32. Pre-print.

45. T. Seo, A. Lafont, S-Y. Choi and A. Barakat. Drug-eluting stent design is a determinant of drug concentration at the endothelial cell surface. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44:302-314. Pre-print.

46. D. Soto, G. Lagubeau, C. Clanet and D. Quere. Surfing on a herringbone. Physical Review Fluids, 1, Issue 1, 013902. Pre-print.

47. H. A. Stone and C. Duprat. Model Problems Coupling Elastic Boundaries and Viscous Flows. Fluids Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds Number Flow, 4:78-99.

48. N. Taccoen, , D. Z. Gunes and C. Baroud. Probing the Mechanical Strength of an Armored Bubble and Its Implication to Particle-Stabilized Foams. Physical Review X, 6 - 011010. Pre-print.

49. and B. Darbois-Texier. Are leaves optimally designed for self-support? An investigation on giant monocots. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 396:125-131. Pre-print.

50. E. Virot, and . Coupling between a flag and a spring-mass oscillator. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 65:447-454. Pre-print.

51. E. Virot, A. Ponomarenko, E. Dehandschoewercker, D. Quere and C. Clanet. Critical wind speed at which trees break. Physical Review E, 93 - issue 2 - 023001. Pre-print.

52. Y. Xia, and . Electro-hydrodynamic synchronization of piezoelectric flags. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 65:398-410. Pre-print.

53. Y. Xia, and . Resonance-induced enhancement of the energy harvesting performance of piezoelectric flags. Applied Physics Letters, 107 - 263901. Pre-print.

54. E. Yim and P. Billant. Analogies and differences between the stability of an isolated pancake vortex and a columnar vortex in stratified fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 796:732-766. Pre-print.

55. E. Yim, P. Billant and C. Menesguen. Stability of an isolated pancake vortex in stratified-rotating fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 801:508-553. Pre-print.

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