LadHyX - Refereed Publications - 2002

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1. C. Baroud, P. B., Z-S. SHE and H. L. Swinney. Anomalous Self-Similarity in a Turbulent Rapidly Rotating Fluid. Physical Review Letters, 88 - 1. Pre-print.

2. C. Cossu and L. Brandt. Stabilization of Tollmien-Schlichting waves by finite amplitude optimal streaks in the Blasius boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 14:L57-L60. Abstract. Pre-print.

3. E. de Langre. Absolutely unstable waves in inviscid hydroelastic systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 256/2:299-317. Pre-print.

4. and E. de Langre. Local and global instability of fluid-conveying pipes on elastic foundations. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 16:1-14. Abstract. Pre-print.

5. and E. de Langre. The flow-induced instablity of long hanging pipes. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 21:857-867. Pre-print.

6. , J. M. Chomaz and J. C. Lasheras. Three-dimensionnal stability of periodic arrays of counter-rotating vortices. Physics of Fluids, 14:732-743. Pre-print.

7. E. Lauga and T. Bewley. Modern control of linear global instability in a cylinder wake model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 23:671-677. Pre-print.

8. M. Facchinetti, E. de Langre and F. Biolley. Vortex shedding modeling using diffusive van der Pol oscillators. , 330:451-456. Pre-print.

9. , F. Biolley, E. Fontaine, and M. Facchinetti. Vortex-induced vibrations of risers : theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation. Oil and Gas Science and Technology (IFP), 57(1):59-69. Pre-print.

10. H. K. Moffatt and A. Sellier. Migration of an insulating particle under the action of uniform ambient electric and magnetic fields. Part 1. General theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 464:279-286. Pre-print.

11. C. Olendraru and A. Sellier. Viscous effects in the absolute-convective instability of the Batchelor vortex. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 459:371-396. Pre-print.

12. S. Ortiz, J. M. Chomaz and T. Loiseleux. Spatial Holmboe instability. Physics of Fluids, 14:2585-2597. Pre-print.

13. M. Ragwitz, C. Baroud, P. B. and H. L. Swinney. Nonlinear determinism in time series measurements of two-dimensional turbulence. Physica D, 162:244-255. Pre-print.

14. C. Ruyer-Quil and P. Manneville. Further accuracy and convergence results on the modeling of flows down inclined planes by weighted-residual approximations. Physics of Fluids, 14:170-183. Pre-print.

15. P. J. Schmid and D. S. Henningson. On the stability of a falling liquid curtain. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 463:163-171. Pre-print.

16. A. Sellier. Electrophoresis of an insulating particle near a plane boundary. Powder Technology, 125:187-191. Pre-print.

17. A. Sellier. Electrophoretic motion of two solid particles embedded in an unbounded and viscous electrolyte. Computational Mechanics, 28:202-211. Pre-print.

18. T. Kida, A. Sellier and Y. Ueda. Asymptotic analysis of Low Reynolds number flow with a linear shear past a circular cylinder. JSME International Journal, 45(4):759-769. Pre-print.

19. A. Sellier. A note on the electrophoresis of uniformly charged particles. Quarterly Journal of Applied Mathematics, 55(4):561-572. Pre-print.

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